Archives for posts with tag: Bigotry

Send her back2GRP12

In his head The success of the Obama administration and because he’s black continues to drive Trump crazy. No doubt he has serious racism issues

Omarosa EffectB

Block Party

GOP HealthcareBigot presidencyThe wrecking of America continues.


Racial profiling36872070_2054289057916215_7922742728583020544_n I’m quite sure you’ve heard about the racial profiling incident here in Winston-Salem at a neighborhood pool. It seems everyday such incidents are becoming commonplace in local and national news cycles. It seems that the atmosphere in this country is deteriorating daily and the source of this discard is coming from the white house. This has to stop. I drew two toon’s on this topic this week.

Are you racist

Pres Grand Dragon

Trump Bannon Effect Rise in racial incidents across the country.
